Benin At a Glance
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Some Informations about Benin

Republic of Benin is in West Africa between Nigeria and Togo,it has a popullation of about 6.3 million inhabitants.

Official Language is French,Trade Language in the South is Fon, in the North is Dendi,they have about 52 languages in all.

Political Capital City is Port-Novo and The Economic City is Cotonou.

Economy is Poor and underdeveloped.

Major occupation is farming and Fishing.

Political Independence from France in 1960.

Principal Religion: Animism 36%


(Catholic 26%,Methodist 3.5%,Others 2%,Without 6.4%.

From Statistic few people rae reached majority unreached.

Benin Needs Your Prayers and Support.

We are imparting the Nation and it's environment with the Gospel of the King dom.


See some Pictures Below

People living on the Island

Some people in Benin are living on Islands as you can see here,they go about almost naked

Benin is a Fetish Nation

Benin is a country that has most of it's population as idol worshippers,here people are celeberating on a fetish festival

Here the people are sacrificing to the idols on the day of the festival